What’s your name and the name of your beloved husky hero!
My name is Thomas, and Tamarack is my husky hero!
Where do you live?
We live in Lethbridge Alberta! While it isn’t the same as the mountains Tamarack really loves walks in the coulees.
When did you adopt your retired sled dog?
Tamarack was adopted in June of 2023. He has really made himself at home and was really quick to adapt to his new home.
Describe your family, partner, kids and other animals?
It is just Tamarack and me, but that is just right for the both of us.
What motivated you to adopt a retired sled dog?
Tamarack is the fourth Snowy Owl Husky Hero I have had the joy of adopting. Before Tamarack, I had adopted Comet, Vega, and Aly May. While they were all so different, they all loved walking, camping, skiing, and being outside. They are also really friendly towards children and strangers.
What do you love most about having an adoptee sled dog join your family?
Tamarack is always so excited to see me when I get home! He is so affectionate and gives lots of hugs every time he sees me! Also, all the sled dogs I have had really do settle down quickly. Whether it is in a tent or in a home, my Snowy Owl dogs have all been very calm and relaxed. I also like how good Snowy Owl dogs are in a vehicle as well! I would also like to add, that my Snowy Owl adoptees have all been really good around other dogs as well.
What 3 activities does your adoptee enjoy the most?
Tamarack is a really direct and simple husky. He likes the following activities:
- Walking: He loves to take walks, and will never ask to stop!
- Fetch!: Thankfully he loves to run fast and we play fetch in our back yard is the perfect fenced in place for him to run.
- Being brushed and petted: Tamarack is very affectionate and he loves to be brushed and petted and hugged. Which is good, as you will be brushing your adopted husky hero a lot. A. Lot.
What new skills did your husky hero learn since living with you?
Tamarack has learned fetch very quickly, as well as other simple commands like sit and stay.
He has also learned to sweet talk some of the neighbours into giving him treats every time he walks past.
He is working hard on not pulling, but that may take a bit more training.
Did adopting a retired sled dog meet all your expectations?
Tamarack is a joy to have in my life. He is active and energetic and a lot of fun to be around!
Scroll down for more cute photos of Tamarack…
Are you interested in learning about adopting a husky hero? Our kennels are located just outside Canmore, Alberta.
Take a look at our retired dogs who are available for adoption and find out how our adoption program works.