Adoption Update! With Husky Hero, Link

In this Adoption Update, we visit with husky hero, Link!

What’s Your Name and the Name of Your Husky Hero?

Britney, and we adopted Link.

Where Do You Live?

Calgary, Alberta

When Did You Adopt Your Dog Link?

October 2020

Who Does Your Husky Share a Home With?

We have a household of 3 children, two of who are older teenagers girls, and a 5 year old boy. My husband and I are both in health care. We also have a 15 year old female Pomeranian named Osha.

What Motivated You to Adopt a Retired Sled Dog?

My father became sick in 2020 with a terminal illness, and after my first visit with him and his diagnosis, I came home feeling I needed a warm, loyal companion to help me through what the year would hold for us. Somehow I landed on Snowy Owl website/husky heroes after a long search for rescue dogs, and couldn’t find the one that spoke to me.

What Does Your Family Love Most About Having a Husky Hero Join Your Home?

We laugh really hard each day at how content he has become to lay on the rug or the leather chair he has claimed his own, after knowing how hard he worked for so many years. On a cold day, he runs out to do his thing and runs quickly back to the door. 🙂 Because Link is a Canadian Indian Husky, we were told he would be loyal and stay close to us. This fits Link to a T. He’s independent, but also extremely loyal. It feels like we have had him our whole lives.

What 3 Activities Does Link Enjoy the Most?

  • Link loves to explore, he and I have walked miles and miles together. He sniffs everything like it’s his job. Curious nature.
  • Link loves car rides, he is so happy to be included in all activities. He comes to work every day with me, and many people look forward to seeing him at the office.
  • We are avid campers and although we adopted Link after camping season was over, we can’t wait to get him out into the woods and sit beside us at the fire. He may even get a roasted weenie. 🙂

What New Skills Has Your Husky Hero Learned Since Living With You?

Climbing stairs! I doubt he did too much of that in his past life. He howls before every meal, maybe he did that before, but it came a little later for us, once he hit his comfort zone with us. He runs and fetches the ball very well.

Did Adopting Link Meet Your Expectations?

More than! I appreciate Link every day. He doesn’t sleep with me anymore, he loves to sleep in our kitchen, but on the nights I need him I carry him to my bed he stays with me for about an hour before he heads back to his spot.

Are you interested in adopting a husky hero? Take a look at our retired sled dogs available for adoption.

More photos of Link!