Adoption Update with Husky Hero, Indy

Your name and the name of your beloved husky hero!

Len, Nancy and our Sassy girl Indy!

Where do you live?

We live in Ardrossan Alberta.

When did you adopt your retired sled dog?

We adopted Indy in late October, 2021.

Describe your family, partner, kids and other animals?

Most of the time it’s myself, hubby and Indy. But, the house gets very busy when our 3 boys arrive for a visit, with 7 grandkids in tow!! It’s busy and loud ……Indy really enjoys all the attention from the grandkids, treats and belly rubs galore!

What motivated you to adopt a retired sled dog?

Len and I lost our Kona in May 2015, Kona was a Seppala husky as Indy is. We decided it was time to adopt a companion for our hikes, walks etc…. Indy has been an absolute joy in our lives.

What do you love most about having an adoptee sled dog join your family?

We love the companionship, probably the most.

What 3 activities does your adoptee enjoy the most?

She loves to lay around all day in her comfy bed, she absolutely loves to go for walks and hikes, sometimes three times a day. She loves to be Sassy and chew on rawhide bones.

What new skills did your husky hero learn since living with you?

Indy has learned to go up and downstairs at first but is not interested anymore. She likes to stay on the main floor. She has learned to come and sit, especially when going for walks. She has learned to shake a paw for treats. We are teaching her to play ball, but it’s a real chore, but fun.

Did adopting a retired sled dog meet all your expectations?

Adopting Indy has definitely met our expectations, and more. Snowy Owl people are absolutely wonderful people. Mackenzie is such an awesome person to deal with. We can’t say enough about her. The owner is a fantastic person to talk with and very enjoyable conversations. We are very interested in getting a buddy for Indy very soon.

Are you interested in adopting a husky hero? Take a look at our retired sled dogs available for adoption.