Adoption Update with Husky Hero, Amelia

Your name and the name of your beloved husky hero!

Turk & Sam

Where do you live?

Canmore, Alberta

When did you adopt your retired sled dog?

We adopted Amelia officially on August 4th, 2022.

Describe your family, partner, kids, or other animals

We brought Amelia camping with us and told the kids, “…just wait till you meet her.” When they did they all agreed that she was the one. She has a partner in crime, our 6 ½-year-old Siberian Rocky. She tolerates him, lol. She’s very needy and often sits right beside Sam waiting for pets. She spent a lifetime training pups to be lead dogs like her so her patience isn’t great with young dogs anymore. She quickly puts them into their place.

What motivated you to adopt a retired sled dog?

Amelia is our second Snowy Owl Tours dog. We were blessed to adopt Leroy back in 2017 and had a wonderful retirement life with him. We decided back then, after meeting the Snowy Owl Tours team and all the husky heroes, that we’ll always have a Snowy Owl Tours pup in our home. They’ve been given a great work life and we want to give them the best retired life.

What do you love most about having an adoptee sled dog join your family?

What we enjoy most, is seeing how much the dogs embrace retired life. Living in a home, their beds or couches, and learning their quirks and personalities.


What 3 activities does your adoptee enjoy the most?

  • Amelia enjoys naps in any of her beds.
  • She loves walks and naps. Did I say naps?
  • I meant camping. (but really she likes naps)

What new skills did your husky hero learn since living with you?

She’s a pretty smart girl and teaches us mostly but running along with the mountain bike. She’s a little unsure of the weird-wheeled vehicle but does great.

Did adopting a retired sled dog meet all your expectations?

And more. Being our second adoptee, it’s amazing to learn how different they all are. Amelia has made our lives whole again.

Are you interested in adopting a husky hero?

Take a look at our retired dogs available for adoption.

Scroll down for more cute photos of Amelia…